New storage medium uses physical properties of antiferromagnetic material

Using nanoscale quantum sensors, an international research team has succeeded in exploring certain previously uncharted physical properties of an antiferromagnetic material. Based on their results, the researchers developed a concept for a new storage medium published in the journal Nature Physics. The project was coordinated by researchers from the Department of Physics and the Swiss Nanoscience Institute at the University of…

The sun in 2020

See a whole year of sun images, an image a day for 2020, taken by ESA’s Proba-2 satellite. Source:…

Do Games Made Under Crunch Conditions Deserve ‘Best Direction’ Awards?

The annual Game Awards ceremony awarded this year’s “Best Direction” award to Naughty Dog studio’s The Last of Us Part II — provoking a strong reaction from Kotaku’s staff writer. “I think it’s pretty obvious that no game that required its developers to crunch, like The Last of Us Part II did, should be given a Best Direction award.” It’s no…

We can harness the solar wind to sail to the farthest corners of space

Rockets eventually run out of fuel, which limits how far they can go. But now we are mastering the art of solar sailing, we can expect to keep exploring into distant, uncharted space Source:…

Bill Gates: ‘I Was Naive At Microsoft,’ Didn’t Realize Success Would Bring Antitrust Scrutiny

Microsoft co-founder and former CEO Bill Gates told CNBC on Wednesday morning he had been naive about the government scrutiny that comes with getting large when he was running Microsoft and said the chance of Big Tech antitrust regulation is “pretty high.” CNBC reports: “Whenever you get to be a super-valuable company, affecting the way people communicate and even political discourse…

SpaceX Launched and Landed Another Starship Prototype

“SpaceX took another step forward Thursday in developing its next-generation Starship rocket, conducting the second short flight test of a prototype in the past month,” reports CNBC:
Starship prototype Serial Number 6, or SN6, took off from the launchpad at SpaceX’s facility in Boca Chica, Texas. It gradually rose to about 500 feet above the ground before it returned back to land,…

SpaceX Starting On ‘Super Heavy’ Rocket Booster To Power Mars Trip

The latest prototype of Elon Musk’s Starship prototype has only flown about 500 feet (150 meters) in the air, but the SpaceX CEO said Monday his rocket company may begin construction of a booster prototype to pair with Starship as soon as this week. CNET reports: Starship is SpaceX’s platform for taking humans to the moon, Mars and beyond, but to…

95 new cool brown dwarfs in the sun’s neighborhood

A group of citizen scientists working with a NASA citizen science project called Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 has discovered 95 new brown dwarfs in the sun’s nearby neighborhood. Source:…

Sony Cuts PS Now Subscription Price For PS4 Worldwide

In anticipation for Google’s upcoming Stadia cloud gaming service and Microsoft’s Project xCloud, which enters open beta this month, Sony is lowering the price of PlayStation Now for PS4 and PC. “Monthly subscriptions are now available for $10, which is a considerable reduction from the previous $20 price point,” reports GameSpot. “Quarterly subscriptions, meanwhile, will now cost $25, having previously been…