Greenhouse Gas Emissions Are Still Rising, UN Report Says

An anonymous reader quotes a report from NPR: Greenhouse gas emissions have risen steadily for the past decade despite the current and future threat posed by climate change, according to a new United Nations report. The annual report compares how clean the world’s economies are to how clean they need to be to avoid the most catastrophic effects of climate change…

UN report reveals how hard it will be to meet climate change targets

Carbon emissions from human activity have never fallen globally, but to keep global warming to 1.5°C they need to tumble by nearly 8 per cent every year for the next decade Source:…

It’s been 20 years since the Day of 6 Billion

Our global human population was estimated to reach 6 billion on today’s date in 1999. Eleven years later, in 2011, Earth had gained another billion people. Today – October 12, 2019 – it stands at about 7.7 billion, according to United Nations estimates. Source:…

Earth’s Oceans Are Getting Hotter and Higher, And It’s Accelerating, UN Report Warns

According to a new report by the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, ocean warming is accelerating and sea levels are rising more quickly. “The report is a synthesis of the most up-to-date climate science on oceans and ice, and it lays out a stark reality: Ocean surface temperatures have been warming steadily since 1970, and for the past 25 years…

UN warns most plans for limiting climate change would wreck the planet

Almost every plan for limiting warming to 2°C or less relies heavily on bioenergy, but the latest UN report says we don’t have enough land to spare Source:…