Former Polish Leader Lech Walesa Believes in UFOs and Warns of an ET Invasion

When a current or former world leader professes a belief in UFOs, the public ponders about their sanity and about what they might really know concerning the cause of unidentified flying objects. When that world leader also warns about potentially catastrophic extraterrestrial invasions, ears and antennas both go up. That was the case last week… Continue reading Former Polish Leader Lech Walesa Believes in UFOs and Warns of an ET Invasion

Anthropologist Claims UFOs are Actually Time Machines From the Future

What do anthropology and UFOs have in common? In his new book, a noted anthropologist looks at the physical descriptions of the bodies and behaviors of extraterrestrials and theorizes that the reason they resemble us so much is that they’re our descendants from a future time and UFOs are actually time machines transporting them back… Continue reading Anthropologist Claims UFOs are Actually Time Machines From the Future

Spotlight on Sprague: Young Gun UFOlogist Stays Sane in Mad Field

Ryan Sprague is a lead investigator and co-host of the CW television series, Roswell: Mysteries Decoded and the author of Somewhere in the Skies: A Human Approach to an Alien Phenomenon. He is also the creator and host of the Somewhere in the Skies podcast on the eOne Podcast network. As a UFO journalist, Ryan has interviewed witnesses… Continue reading Spotlight on Sprague: Young Gun UFOlogist Stays Sane in Mad Field

Multiple UFOs and a Crop Circle Appear in Venezuela During Electrical Blackout

Power outages are nothing new in Venezuela – they seem to be happening weekly and often occur cross multiple states. UFO sightings over Venezuela are infrequent but happening more often, but it still seems improbable that a recent one recorded on video by a motorist in the state of Trujillo is related to the blackout… Continue reading Multiple UFOs and a Crop Circle Appear in Venezuela During Electrical Blackout