21.15 – MU Podcast

What happens when you let an ET drive your car or go to a nightclub with them? We find out on this episode as we discuss an incredibly unusual Scandinavian UFO encounter. Then in our Plus+ extension we cover a disturbing case of death precognition before exploring cases of after-death dream communication. Sponsors Squarespace –… Read more » Source: https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2019/04/21-15-mu-podcast/…

Nike Releases Flat Earther’s UFO and Illuminati-Themed Shoes on 4/20

You know we as a society have hit peak conspiracy theory and UFO saturation when these elements of our cultural consciousness and folklore start popping up in unexpected and high-profile places: mass media, professional sports leagues, and even the halls of the U.S. government. UFOs, the paranormal, and all things conspiracy-related may be hot right… Read more » Source: https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2019/04/nike-releases-flat-earthers-ufo-and-illuminati-themed-shoes-on-4-20/…

Why does the moon seem to follow me?

Here’s something you – or your kids – might have noticed: When you’re in a moving car, earthly objects get left behind, but the moon seems to follow. Why? Source: https://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/moon-and-stars-distance-appearance…

Video Shows Huge “Space Station” UFO Flying Behind The Moon

Are aliens hiding a city-sized space station behind our moon, just peeping around the back of it from time to time, in broad daylight and clear skies, to see what we’re up to?  That’s what a video posted online recently claims to show. As I’ve postulated before, maybe aliens are trying desperately to get our… Continue reading Video Shows Huge “Space Station” UFO Flying Behind The Moon

19.15 – MU Plus+ Podcast

Somewhere between staunch skepticism and absurd claims sits the truth. On this episode of Mysterious Universe Plus+ we delve into the world of contractee synchronicities, hidden mountain fortresses and underground UFO parking facilities. This episode is EXCLUSIVE to Plus+ members. To join, click HERE. Links The Enigma of Sonja Lyubicin UFO UpDates Richard Kieninger, UFOs… Continue reading 19.15 – MU Plus+ Podcast

Photographing a Zombified Man in Black

Back in the latter part of the 1960s, Timothy Green Beckley – paranormal investigator, UFO sleuth, publisher and author – was involved in an incident with nothing less than a Man in Black. This particular MIB was very strange: he (or, maybe even it) seemed to be what I can only describe as an old-school-type… Continue reading Photographing a Zombified Man in Black

Believers, Experiencers, Scientists and Spooks: Meet ‘The UFO People’

In a new book, published through my August Night imprint, MJ Banias presents a nuanced exploration of the UFO phenomenon and the community that seeks to understand it. MJ’s book, The UFO People, is distinct from the bulk of UFO literature in that he approaches his subject through the lenses of cultural studies and philosophy.… Continue reading Believers, Experiencers, Scientists and Spooks: Meet ‘The UFO People’

Former Colleague Says Arizona Senator John McCain Was Interested in UFOs

The late Arizona Senator John McCain had an interest in UFOs, according to a former colleague, continuing a tradition among former politicians from the state who shared an interest in the UFO subject. According to former Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid, the late firebrand politician and political “Maverick”, as he was often called, also had… Continue reading Former Colleague Says Arizona Senator John McCain Was Interested in UFOs

Mysterious UFOs Return to Manitowoc and the Lake Michigan Triangle

For those accustomed to short, blurry videos of alleged UFOs with little or no explanation of the location, circumstances, names of witnesses, amounts of adult beverages consumed, etc, a video posted this week of a UFO over Lake Michigan is a breath of fresh air … or at least as fresh as the air might… Continue reading Mysterious UFOs Return to Manitowoc and the Lake Michigan Triangle

NASA Says It Caused Otherworldly Lights In the Arctic Circle

NASA set the Arctic Circle ablaze last week with colorful blue vapor clouds that were seen above parts of Finland and Norway. And yes, they did cause some people to ask: Aliens? The apparition was caused by a NASA rocket launch that discharged “gas tracers” into the sky to probe the mechanisms behind auroras. The… Continue reading NASA Says It Caused Otherworldly Lights In the Arctic Circle