Army officer’s secret journal could offer new clues about the UFO crash in Roswell in 1947

An army officer was among the first people to inspect wreckage of a so-called UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico, and he may have recorded clues about what he saw in a journal. Source:

Brazil ‘UFO crash’ sparks flap on social media

Sightings of unidentified lights north of Rio de Janeiro last week managed to spark quite a ruckus online. The phenomenon, which was reportedly witnes… Source:…

Alleged UFO Crash Site and Debris Photographed in Australia

Those who complain about UFO pictures being blurry and too far away to identify can’t say those things about a set of photos taken by two men in the Macedon ranges of Victoria. The photos and selfies are right up on top of what they claim is UFO wreckage and everything, including their can of… Continue reading Alleged UFO Crash Site and Debris Photographed in Australia