US Navy is Liable for Mass Software Piracy, Appeals Court Rules

The United States Navy is liable for a mass copyright infringement. The Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit sided with the German software company Bitmanagement, which accused the Navy of copying software without permission. Bitmanagement claimed more than $500 million in damages, but the final amount has yet to be determined. From a report: The dispute started when the US…

Mount Etna erupts

Italy’s Mount Etna, one of the world’s most active volcanoes, has erupted twice in less than 48 hours, spewing a fountain of lava and ash into the sky. Source:…

US Navy Has Patents on Tech It Says Will ‘Engineer the Fabric of Reality’

The U.S. Navy has patents on weird and little understood technology. According to patents filed by the Navy, it is working on a compact fusion reactor that could power cities, an engine that works using “inertial mass reduction,” and a “hybrid aerospace-underwater craft.” From a report: Dubbed the “UFO patents,” The War Zone has reported that the Navy had to build…

In Historic Test, US Navy Shoots Down an Intercontinental Ballastic Missile

“In a historic test, a U.S. Navy guided missile destroyer shot down an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) warhead aimed at a patch of ocean off the Hawaiian Islands,” reports Popular Mechanics: Once the missile launched, a network of sensors picked it up. The data was then handed off to the guided missile destroyer USS John Finn, which launched a SM-3 Block…

Former Astronaut Wins US Senate Seat Once Held By Republican John McCain

“Mark Kelly will soon be the fourth NASA astronaut to serve in the U.S. Congress,” writes People magazine. DevNull127 shares their report: In a tweet posted Wednesday, he said he was “deeply honored” to have been elected and to serve in the seat once held by the late Sen. John McCain. A retired U.S. Navy captain and astronaut, Kelly has flown…

An Underwater Navigation System Powered by Sound

GPS isn’t waterproof. The navigation system depends on radio waves, which break down rapidly in liquids, including seawater. To track undersea objects like drones or whales, researchers rely on acoustic signaling. But devices that generate and send sound usually require batteries — bulky, short-lived batteries that need regular changing. Could we do without them? From a report: MIT researchers think so….

Boardwatch/EVTV Founder Jack Rickard Dies at Age 65

I’ve only paid for a magazine subscription once in my life — to Jack Rickard’s Boardwatch magazine, which through the late 1990s was the geekiest read in town. You can still read 70 issues of the magazine from more than 25 years ago at But this week the small Southeast Missourian newspaper reported that the magazine’s original editor/publisher Jack Rickard…

For U.S. Space Force Ranks, William Shatner Endorses ‘Starfleet Amendment’

America’s House of Representatives proposed a new structure for the U.S. Space Force in what’s being called “the Starfleet amendment”. Space News reports: Before the House passed the so-called “Starfleet” amendment, Space Force officials had been internally debating a new rank structure to set the space branch apart from its parent service the U.S. Air Force. The amendment in the House…