Twitter Disabled ‘Likes’ and ‘Replies’ on False Trump Tweets. Inadvertently.

Business Insider reports: Twitter on Saturday briefly took new action to stem the spread of President Donald Trump’s false tweets about his loss in the 2020 election. Replies and likes were disabled on several of Trump’s tweets Saturday morning before Twitter the company reversed course hours later, telling Business Insider the change was made “inadvertently….” “We try to prevent a Tweet…

Twitter Permanently Bans White Supremacist David Duke

Twitter said on Friday it has permanently banned white supremacist David Duke from its platform for violating the platform’s rules on hate speech. From a report: Duke’s account “has been permanently suspended for Twitter Rules on hateful conduct,” a Twitter spokesperson said in a statement. Twitter’s policy, revised in March, prohibits posts that promote violence or threats of violence against people…

Twitter Flags Trump Tweet of Protesters For Including ‘Threat of Harm’

Twitter added a warning to one of Trump’s tweets today threatening protesters seeking to establish an “autonomous zone” in Washington, D.C. The social media company is labeling it as a “threat of harm.” The Hill reports: “This Tweet violated the Twitter Rules about abusive behavior. However, Twitter has determined that it may be in the public’s interest for the Tweet to…