Ancient Romans may have used Chinese medicine to treat coeliac disease

A woman who died in Italy 2000 years ago may have had coeliac disease, and her dental plaque suggests she sought relief in ginseng and turmeric imported from China Source:…

Changing Your Diet Can Help Tamp Down Depression and Boost Mood, Study Finds

There’s fresh evidence that eating a healthy diet, one that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables and limits highly processed foods, can help reduce symptoms of depression. NPR reports: A randomized controlled trial published in the journal PLOS ONE finds that symptoms of depression dropped significantly among a group of young adults after they followed a Mediterranean-style pattern of eating for…

7 Ridiculously Easy Ways to Eat More Turmeric and Lower Inflammation

Anna Hunt – If you aren’t eating turmeric as part of your daily diet, you are definitely missing out on some great nutrition.
