A Growing Community Called Randonauts Believe That Journeying To Random Locations Can Help Put Us in New Realities

A small but quickly growing online community believes that transforming randomly generated numbers into clusters of location data could help us tunnel out of reality. Their name for themselves: Randonauts. From a report: It’s a sad truth that most of our lives are pretty boring, geographically speaking. Live in one place long enough and you will develop routines, walking the same…

Elon Musk Says ‘The Boring Company’ Will Launch in China This Month

“Elon Musk wants to drill holes in China,” reports TechCrunch:
Musk is due to speak at an AI conference, called the World Artificial Intelligence Conference, taking place in Shanghai on August 29-31. Replying to a tweet about the event he announced: “Will also be launching The Boring Company China on this trip.” Another Twitter user chipped into the conversation to ask whether…