US Secures 300 Million Doses, Almost a Third, of Potential AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine

schwit1 shares a report from Financial Post: The United States has secured almost a third of the first one billion doses planned for AstraZeneca’s experimental COVID-19 vaccine by pledging up to $1.2 billion, as world powers scramble for medicines to get their economies back to work. While not proven to be effective against the coronavirus, vaccines are seen by world leaders…

Rainbow Six ‘Copy’ Lands Apple and Google In Copyright Court

Ubisoft is suing Apple and Google over a Chinese mobile game it says is “a near carbon copy” of one of its most popular games, Rainbow Six: Siege. The BBC reports: Area F2 is “designed to closely replicate… virtually every aspect” of the game, it alleges, in a 43-page document, complete with screenshots. It is also suing the developer, Ejoy, owned…

Court Upholds Public Right of Access To Court Documents

An anonymous reader quotes a report from the Electronic Frontier Foundation: A core part of EFF’s mission is transparency and access to information, because we know that in a nation bound by the rule of law, the public must have the ability to know the law and how it is being applied. That’s why the default rule is that the public…

Quibi Cofounder Jeffrey Katzenberg Blames Pandemic for Streaming Service’s Rough Start

Quibi, the streaming app veteran executive Jeffrey Katzenberg started with Meg Whitman a little more than a month ago — and for which it raised $1.8 billion — is off to a rough start. From a report: Downloads have been anemic, despite a lineup that includes producers and stars like Jennifer Lopez, LeBron James, Idris Elba, Steven Spielberg and Chrissy Teigen….

Paris Tries AI That Counts How Many People are Wearing Face Masks

“France is integrating new AI tools into security cameras in the Paris metro system to check whether passengers are wearing face masks,” reports the Verge:
The software, which has already been deployed elsewhere in the country, began a three-month trial in the central Chatelet-Les Halles station of Paris this week, reports Bloomberg. [Alternate source] French startup DatakaLab, which created the program, says…

Largest Study To Date Finds Hydroxychloroquine Doesn’t Help Coronavirus Patients

A new hydroxychloroquine study — “the largest to date” — was published Thursday in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine. It concluded that Covid-19 patients taking the drug “do not fare better than those not receiving the drug,” reports Time:
Dr. Neil Schluger, chief of the division of pulmonary, allergy and critical care medicine at Columbia, and his team studied more…

Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine has moved to second phase of testing

The Food and Drug administration (FDA) has given approval to biotech company Moderna to begin the next phase of testing on its coronavirus vaccine candidate. Source:

America’s Government Approves Release of Genetically-Engineered Mosquitoes

America’s Environmental Protection Agency “granted permission for genetically engineered mosquitoes to be released into the Florida Keys and around Houston to see if they can help limit the spread of mosquito-borne illnesses,” writes Bloomberg Environment. clovis (Slashdot reader #4,684) shared their report on ab experimental use permit granted to British biotech company Oxitec Ltd:
Oxitec’s first field trial in Brazil achieved up…

Dogs Are Now Being Trained To Sniff Out Coronavirus

New Slashdot submitter Joe2020 shares a report from the BBC: Firefighters in Corsica, France, are aiming to teach canines how to sniff out coronavirus, as they can other conditions. It’s hoped that detection dogs could be used to identify people with the virus at public places like airports. Their trial is one of several experiments being undertaken in countries including the…