Simulating stars’ sounds to reveal their secrets

“A cello sounds like a cello because of its size and shape,” said astronomer Jacqueline Goldstein. “The vibrations of stars also depend on their size and structure.” Source:…

Nature in Japan: Time travel

Hideto Shimizu hiked many miles across the mountains of Japan to capture the images in this gorgeous 90-second video. He wrote: “I hope it delivers you the feelings of the places I photographed.” Source:…

Moon sweeps through Leo May 11 to 13

These next few nights – May 11 to 13, 2019 – the moon is located in the direction of the constellation Leo the Lion. You’ll see the moon near the star that represents the Lion’s Heart, and then one that represents the Lion’s Tail. Source:…

India aims for 1st landing near moon’s south pole

The moon’s south pole has never been explored from the ground, but India’s new Chandrayaan-2 mission will attempt a 1st-ever landing there, with a rover, this September. Source:…

It’s Hurricane Preparedness Week. Are you ready?

May 5-11, 2019, is Hurricane Preparedness Week in the U.S. If a hurricane were approaching, would you and your family be ready? This post will tell you how to prepare. Source:…

edX Learner to Employee: Meet Thao

Welcome to the latest installment of edX insider, where we give you a behind-the-scenes look at edX team members. Today, we chat with Thao Nguyen, Marketing/Content Support Associate. Quick Stats: Name: Thao Nguyen Department & Role: Content Support Associate, Marketing  Hometown: Pasadena, CA Favorite song: Sunsets Pt. 2 – SG Lewis What led you to your current role at edX? About…

Greta Thunberg became a climate activist not in spite of her autism, but because of it


NASA to fund research on advanced solar sails

Solar sails use faint pressure from sunlight to propel a spacecraft forward. A next-generation solar sail – called a diffractive solar sail – might be made of metamaterials, or smart materials. Source:…

Today in science: 1st American in space

Alan Shepard became the 1st American in space on May 5, 1961. His suborbital flight took place just 3 weeks after the Soviet Union’s Yuri Gagarin orbited Earth once. Source:…