Clocks, gravity and the limits of relativity

A hundred years ago today, Einstein’s theory of gravity was first put to the test when Arthur Eddington observed light “bending” around the sun during a solar eclipse. A century later, scientists are still searching for the limits of the theory. Source:…

Senators Propose Bill Requiring Warrants To Search Devices at the Border

An anonymous reader shares a report: If you’re taking a trip in to or out of the US, border agents currently have free rein to search through your digital devices. Unlike police, agents don’t need a warrant to look through your phones, laptops and other electronics. Two US senators are hoping to change that with a bipartisan bill. Sen. Ron Wyden,…

Ask Slashdot: Would Rationing Air Travel Work To Cut Emissions?

united_notions writes: Last year, The Guardian ran an opinion article arguing that everyone should be allocated “an air mile allowance — say enough for one long-haul return flight a year, or three short-haul flights. […] If you don’t want to use your allowance, you could sell it off in a government-regulated online marketplace. If you’re keen to do a holiday a…

Millennials and Gen Z Are Increasingly Pessimistic About Their Lives, Survey Finds

Uneasiness and pessimism abound among the majority of the world’s population. From a report: Deloitte has released its Global Millennial Survey of 13,416 Millennials (born between 1983 and 1994) spread across 42 countries and 3,009 Gen Z respondents (born between 1995 and 2002) from 10 countries. The firm has conducted the survey for the past eight years. The percentage of respondents…

Polaris is the North Star

Many people think Polaris is the sky’s brightest star. In fact, Polaris ranks only 50th in brightness. Still, Polaris is famous because the entire northern sky wheels around it. Source:…

German Startup Unveils Electric ‘Flying Taxi’ Prototype

German startup Lilium has unveiled a new “flying taxi” that can vertically take off and be the basis for an on-demand air service within six years. The Guardian reports: The electric jet-powered five-seater aircraft is designed to travel up to 300km, a journey that would take it an hour at top speed. While a smaller version of its novel plane flew…

Why films like Avengers: End Game can get away with time travel tricks

In his monthly film column, Simon Ings finds that invoking the quantum world is a great way out for Avengers-style franchises when they want to mess with time Source:…

Why films like Avengers: Endgame can get away with time travel tricks

In his monthly film column, Simon Ings finds that invoking the quantum world is a great way out for Avengers-style franchises when they want to mess with time Source:…

A New Aerospace Company Enters the Race To Build Fastest Aircraft In the World

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: On Monday, a U.S.-based company named Hermeus announced plans to develop an aircraft that will travel at speeds of up to Mach 5. Such an aircraft would cut travel time from New York to Paris from more than 7 hours to 1.5 hours. Hermeus said it has raised an initial round of…