Violent Attack Turns Man From Futon Salesman to Math Genius

Seventeen years ago, Jason Padgett was a drunk futon salesman living in Tacoma, Washington. Today, he’s a genius of theoretical mathematics. He has a talent for drawing fractals by hand, and can see complex numerical relationships unfold like flowers before his eyes. What caused this drastic transformation in Jason Padgett? He got hit in the… Read more » Source:…

A closer look at Washington’s superb new 100% clean electricity bill

The bill contains groundbreaking changes to the way the state’s utilities do business. The trend of states targeting 100 percent clean electricity has gone viral. Last month, New Mexico targeted 100 percent clean by 2045. The Maryland legislature recently passed a bill targeting 50 percent renewable by 2030 and looking into the viability of 100… Continue reading A closer look at Washington’s superb new 100% clean electricity bill

The Ground Rules of Life & Existence

Jed Shlackman – Have you ever considered the idea that you create your own personal reality? Source:…

Why Notre Dame matters, in one Victor Hugo passage

What Victor Hugo wrote to save Notre Dame when it was on the brink of destruction. Notre Dame is on fire, and its spire has fallen. As of Monday afternoon, we don’t know for sure how the fire began or how extensive the damage is, but the world has responded to the news with an… Continue reading Why Notre Dame matters, in one Victor Hugo passage

Revisiting Joseph Campbell: The Power of Myth

Richard Smoley, New Dawn Waking Times Perhaps myth first arose out of the answers parents give to their children’s questions. Many of these are unanswerable: Why is water wet? Why is fire hot? Where does everything come from? Who is God? Because people like to tell stories, it makes sense that parents would make up… Continue reading Revisiting Joseph Campbell: The Power of Myth

The Path to Liberating Humanity is the Same as the Path to Liberating the Individual

Caitlin Johnstone, Contributor Waking Times The path to enlightenment is the process of becoming clearly aware of all the different aspects of the way you operate inside, which enables you to relate to life as it’s actually appearing instead of through the filters of old conditioned mental habits. The path to the liberation of our… Continue reading The Path to Liberating Humanity is the Same as the Path to Liberating the Individual

The Taoist View of the Universe as Explained by Alan Watts

Alan Watts, Guest Waking Times At the very roots of Chinese thinking and feeling there lies the principle of polarity, which is not to be confused with the ideas of opposition or conflict. In the metaphors of other cultures, light is at war with darkness, life with death, good with evil, and the positive with… Continue reading The Taoist View of the Universe as Explained by Alan Watts

Explore the Energy Codes and Discover the Next Level of Energy Medicine

Waking Times Imagine creating your entire life experience moment by moment… …and releasing the story that your mind’s been telling you about what is and isn’t possible. It all begins with working with the energy patterns that form your experiences. That’s because the root of emotional and physical challenges — from stress at work to discord… Continue reading Explore the Energy Codes and Discover the Next Level of Energy Medicine

What’s new on Coursera for Business – February and March 2019

We launched 97 new courses in February and March of this year, including 13 courses in Arabic, 10 in Spanish, and 11 in Russian. Here are our top ten courses in English from the past two months: AI For Everyone, – AI is not only for engineers. If you want your organization to become […]
The post What’s new on…