Vermicomposting | Fertilize With Worm Castings

Vermicomposting is worming its way onto farms everywhere. Here’s why you should fertilize with worm castings, and how to grow your own worm composting unit. Vermicomposting For The Homestead I’m always looking for new ways on the farm to reuse, recycle and repurpose, and there’s nothing I love more than an opportunity to reduce the…Continue Reading
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How To Make Compost

We probably don’t need to tell you the benefits of compost for your soil. With a few easy steps you can grow bigger healthier plants and save your scraps from being turned into garbage. Plus, composting gives you the opportunity to see exactly what is going into your fertilizer. So enrich your soil, plants, and life…Continue Reading
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Insect ‘Apocalypse’ in US Driven by 50x Increase in Toxic Pesticides

America’s agricultural landscape is now 48 times more toxic to honeybees, and likely other insects, than it was 25 years ago, almost entirely due to widespread use of so-called neonicotinoid pesticides, according to a new study published this month in the journal PLOS One. From a report: This enormous rise in toxicity matches the sharp declines in bees, butterflies, and other…