3D TV Tells You Everything About This Decade’s Tech

You don’t need special glasses to see what it looks like when smart people run out of ideas. From a column: The breakout hit of the Consumer Electronics Show in 2010 was a television set. Hard to believe now, maybe, but it’s true; for one shining moment, the Toshiba Cell TV was the most exciting new thing in tech. Its name…

Toshiba Claims Its Device Tests For 13 Cancer Types With 99% Accuracy From a Single Drop of Blood

Toshiba has developed technology to detect 13 types of cancer from a single drop of blood with 99 percent accuracy, the company claimed this week. From a report: Toshiba developed the diagnosis method together with the National Cancer Center Research Institute and Tokyo Medical University, and hopes to commercialize it in “several years” after starting a trial next year. The method…

Does Quantum Cryptography Need a Reboot?

“Despite decades of research, there’s no viable roadmap for how to scale quantum cryptography to secure real-world data and communications for the masses,” according to IEEE Spectrum. Wave723 shares their report: A handful of companies now operate or pay for access to networks secured using quantum cryptography in the United States, China, Austria, and Japan. According to a recent industry report,…

Researchers Find More Than 40 Vulnerable Windows Device Drivers

Artem S. Tashkinov writes: Researchers from security company Eclypsium have discovered that more than forty drivers from at least twenty different vendors — including every major BIOS vendor, as well as hardware vendors like ASUS, Toshiba, NVIDIA, and Huawei — include critical vulnerabilities allowing an escalation of privileges to full system level access. Considering how widespread these drivers are, and the…