How to Get the Best Sleep of Your Life

Sofia Adamson – If you want to decrease your risk of disease, improving the quality of your sleep should be a top priority. Source:…

Star formation burst created 50% of Milky Way disk stars

Analysis of data from the Gaia satellite shows a powerful burst of star formation – a stellar baby boom – in our Milky Way galaxy 2 to 3 billion years ago. This single burst might have created half the stars in the galaxy’s flat disk. Source:…

Why can’t I find the Milky Way in May?

From the Northern Hemisphere now, the plane of the Milky Way is as parallel to your horizon as it can be, in early evening. Just wait. Around midnight, the starry band of the Milky Way will begin ascending in your eastern sky. Source:…

What’s new on Coursera for Business – April 2019

We released over 60 new courses in the month of April, including exciting courses ranging from strategic thinking to data wrangling, deep learning, and Amazon Web Services. Here are our top 5 courses for April: Strategic management: Be competitive, Macquarie University – The ability to think strategically in today’s global, high-tech business environment is critical […]
The post What’s new on Coursera…

What is Camp? When the “Good Taste of Bad Taste” Becomes an Aesthetic

Even if you don’t care about high fashion or high society — to the extent that those two things have a place in the current culture — you probably glimpsed some of the coverage of what attendees wore to the Met Gala earlier this month. Or perhaps coverage isn’t strong enough a word: what most of […]

What is Camp? When the “Good…

‘I’d Have These Extremely Graphic Dreams’: What It’s Like To Work On Ultra-Violent Games Like Mortal Kombat 11

Mortal Kombat 11 is a brutal game. That’s what you come for—sensational, over-the-top violence that’s inventive and gratuitous on a level that doesn’t exist anywhere else. It can be shocking in its detail and funny in its execution, but it’s always arresting. It’s also short. Fatalities, gory, physically improbable…Read more…Source:…

Why Pluto is losing atmosphere: Winter is coming

Pluto’s orbit is very elongated. Right now, it’s in a part of its orbit where its distance from the sun is steadily increasing. That fact is devastating its atmosphere. Source:…

Why AI Will Never Replace Teachers

Today, on Teacher Appreciation Day, I want to firmly drive home one very important point: AI will never replace our amazing teachers – and I’m saying that as the CEO of the online learning platform edX and in the business of developing education technology. It’s common to think of technologies like AI as things that can easily be used to replace…