DIY Tomato Cages And Stakes To Properly Support Your Tomato Plants

No need to spend hundreds of dollars on store-bought tomato cages. You can make your own affordable, functional DIY cages and stakes straight from your homestead. Check out your options below! RELATED: All About Tomatoes: Your Spring Growing Guide | Homesteading Tips In this article: Standard Steel Mesh Tomato Cage Wooden Tomato Plant Obelisk Stake…Continue Reading
The post DIY Tomato Cages And…

Bees stab plants to make them flower

When pollen is scarce, bumblebees pierce the leaves of plants in order to force them to produce flowers more quickly, according to new research. Source:…

10 Tips For Growing Perfect Tomatoes

Looking for some tips for growing tomatoes? If you want to have a better harvest for your when you plant your next batch, this will help. Growing Tomatoes I’ve been growing tomatoes on my homestead for a long time now and I’d have to say, my harvest isn’t always the same. There are some times…Continue Reading
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Grow a Vertical Garden [Chapter7] Homestead Handbook

Grow a Vertical Garden and save space on your homestead. Follow these backyard gardening tips to start your very own vertical garden, and enjoy all the fresh vegetables it will produce in minimal space. You are reading Chapter 7 of our gardening series in The Homestead Handbook: How to Grow All The Food You Need In Your Own Backyard…Continue Reading
The post Grow a Vertical Garden…

How To Plant Tomatoes

Learn how to plant tomatoes from one of the best homesteaders around! Follow thee steps and your vine will be ripe with juicy tomatoes in no time. How To Plant Tomatoes Tomatoes are the quintessential summer fruit, perfect for sandwiches, salads, cooking, and canning. The smell and taste of a real, home-grown tomato is something…Continue Reading
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