Greenpeace Claims Fukushima Water Release Could Change Human DNA

An anonymous reader quotes CNN: Contaminated water that could soon be released into the sea from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant contains radioactive carbon with the potential to damage human DNA, environmental rights organization Greenpeace has warned. The environmental group claims that the 1.23 million metric tons of water stored at the plant — scene of the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi…

Betelgeuse is smaller, closer, and won’t explode any time soon

According to new research, the red supergiant star Betelgeuse – which began to dim dramatically in brightness in late 2019 – might not explode for another 100,000 years. The star is also smaller and closer to us than first thought. Source:…

Burger King Plans To Test Reusable Containers Starting Next Year

Burger King is planning to test reusable containers starting next year as part of its efforts to reduce waste. From a report: The trial is part of a partnership with TerraCycle’s zero-waste delivery platform, Loop. Customers can opt in for reusable packaging for menu items such as sandwiches, soft drinks and coffee. They can then return the reusable sandwich container or…

Japan To Join Forces With US, Europe in Regulating Big Tech Firms

Japan will join forces with the United States and Europe to take on any market abuses by the four Big Tech companies, the new head of its antitrust watchdog said on Monday, a sign Tokyo will join global efforts to regulate digital platform operators. From a report: Kazuyuki Furuya, chairman of Japan’s Fair Trade Commission (FTC), also said Tokyo could open…

How One Piece of Hardware Took Down a $6 Trillion Stock Market

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Bloomberg on how a data storage and distribution device brought down Tokyo’s $6 trillion stock market: At 7:04 a.m. on an autumn Thursday in Tokyo, the stewards of the world’s third-largest equity market realized they had a problem. A data device critical to the Tokyo Stock Exchange’s trading system had malfunctioned, and the automatic…

Former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott Hacked After Posting Boarding Pass on Instagram

Former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott had his phone number and passport details obtained by a hacker after posting a picture of his boarding pass on Instagram. From a report: Hacker Alex Hope said he uncovered Mr Abbott’s details from his Qantas boarding pass in just 45 minutes. He then spent months attempting to contact Mr Abbott to alert him of…

Northern Hemisphere just had its hottest summer on record

Not only was August 2020 the 2nd-warmest August on record, but the Northern Hemisphere had its warmest summer on record, and the globe as a whole had its 3rd-hottest 3-month season. Source:…

Japan’s NTT Docomo Admits Thieves Breeched Its e-Money Service

Long-time Slashdot reader PuceBaboon tipped us off to a story in Japan Times:
About 18 million yen ($169,563) has been stolen from bank accounts linked to NTT Docomo Inc.’s e-money service, the company said Thursday, prompting police to begin an investigation into a suspected scam. As of Thursday, 66 cases of improper withdrawals from bank accounts linked to the mobile carrier’s e-money…

Apple App Store Draws New Scrutiny in Japan, Epicenter of Gaming

Epic Games’s decision to sue Apple over its mobile store practices has sparked new scrutiny in the massive Japanese gaming market, prompting complaints and questions about how to counter the tech giant’s dominance. From a report: While Epic, publisher of the hit title Fortnite, focuses on the 30% revenue cut app stores typically take, Japanese game studios have broader concerns. They…

Japan’s Longest-Serving PM, Shinzo Abe, Resigns For Health Reasons

Late last night, it was rumored that Japan’s longest-serving prime minister, Shinzo Abe, would step down due to his struggle with ulcerative colitis. Abe confirmed the reports this morning, telling reporters that it was “gut wrenching” to leave many of his goals unfinished. He also apologized for stepping down during the pandemic. The Associated Press reports: Abe has had ulcerative colitis…