Microsoft’s Dream of Decentralized IDs Enters the Real World

For years, tech companies have touted blockchain technology as a means to develop identity systems that are secure and decentralized. The goal is to build a platform that could store information about official data without holding the actual documents or details themselves. Instead of just storing a scan of your birth certificate, for example, a decentralized ID platform might store a…

Saturday’s strong earthquake in Japan called ‘aftershock’ of deadly 2011 quake

No fatalities have been reported in the February 13, 2021 strong earthquake in Japan, which occurred off Japan’s east coast, near the epicenter of the 2011 9.0-magnitude Tohoku earthquake. Source:…

Walmart’s E-Commerce Chief Is Leaving To Build ‘a City of the Future’

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Recode: Marc Lore, a serial entrepreneur who sold his startup to Walmart for $3 billion and then oversaw the transformation of the retail giant’s e-commerce business over the last four years, is leaving his full-time role with the company at the end of the month, he told Recode. His next big entrepreneurial swing…

Scientists Observe Live Cells Responding To Magnetic Fields For First Time

An anonymous reader quotes a report from New Atlas: One of the most remarkable “sixth” senses in the animal kingdom is magnetoreception — the ability to detect magnetic fields — but exactly how it works remains a mystery. Now, researchers in Japan may have found a crucial piece of the puzzle, making the first observations of live, unaltered cells responding to…

Japan’s NEC Corp Says New Facial Recognition System Isn’t Stopped By Masks

Japan’s NEC Corp. says face marks aren’t an obstacle to its facial recognition tech. Mashable reports: The Japanese company claims its new facial recognition system can identify people with face masks in less than one second, with an accuracy rate higher than 99.9 percent. The system works by closely examining the parts of a person’s face not covered by a mask,…

Japan’s Brand New Anti-Piracy Law Goes Live

A few hours ago and after years of preparation, amendments to Japan’s copyright law came into effect, aiming to criminalize those who download unlicensed manga, magazines, and academic texts from the Internet. From a report: While uploading pirated content has always been illegal, the new law is quite specific in that it criminalizes the downloading of unlicensed content. While that could…

Atomic-Scale Nanowires Can Now Be Produced At Scale

fahrbot-bot shares a report from Phys.Org: Researchers from Tokyo Metropolitan University have discovered a way to make self-assembled nanowires of transition metal chalcogenides at scale using chemical vapor deposition. By changing the substrate where the wires form, they can tune how these wires are arranged, from aligned configurations of atomically thin sheets to random networks of bundles. This paves the way…

Quantum mysteries: Probing an unusual state in the superconductor-insulator transition

Scientists at Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) approach the two decade-old mystery of why an anomalous metallic state appears in the superconductor-insulator transition in 2-D superconductors. Through experimental measurements of a thermoelectric effect, they found that the quantum liquid state of quantum vortices causes the anomalous metallic state. The results clarify the nature of the transition and could help in…

The World Is Watching More Anime — and Streaming Services Are Buying

An anonymous reader shares a report: The pandemic is helping Japan’s demon slayers, monsters and robots make the leap to the global market. Animated video in the Japanese style — aka anime — has long been a niche taste for fans in the U.S. and elsewhere, and some anime films such as those by Hayao Miyazaki have become mainstream hits. Now,…

Olympic officials ‘very confident’ that next year’s games in Tokyo will have spectators

Japan was scheduled to host the Olympic Games in the summer of 2020, but the coronavirus pandemic forced officials to postpone the competition until 2021. Source: