JADES will go deeper than the Hubble Deep Fields

Astronomers announced this month that a new deep-field survey called JADES will be carried out with the James Webb Space Telescope, Hubble’s much-anticipated successor. The Webb is due to launch later this year. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/jades-deep-field-surveys-epoch-of-1st-galaxies…

Aliens could be sucking energy from black holes. That may be how we’ll find them.

A new study examines a potential mechanism for extracting energy from a rotating black hole, and suggests it may account for some of the energetic flares observed near these massive disruptions in time and space. Source: https://www.livescience.com/aliens-suck-black-hole-energy.html

LIGO and Virgo announce 39 new gravitational wave discoveries during first half of third observing run

The LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration released a catalog of results from the first half of its third observing run (O3a), and scientists have detected more than three times as many gravitational waves than the first two runs combined. Gravitational waves were first detected in 2015 and are ripples in time and space produced by merging black holes and/or neutron…

What are white dwarf stars?

White dwarfs are dead stars. A single white dwarf contains roughly the mass of our sun in a volume no bigger than our planet. Our sun will become a white dwarf someday. Source: https://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/white-dwarfs-are-the-cores-of-dead-stars…