Lions Are Less Likely To Attack Cattle With Eyes Painted on Their Backsides

An anonymous reader shares a report: The predation of livestock by carnivores, and the retaliatory killing of carnivores as a result, is a major global conservation challenge. Such human-wildlife conflicts are a key driver of large carnivore declines and the costs of coexistence are often disproportionately borne by rural communities in the global south. While current approaches tend to focus on…

Endangered tigers have made a remarkable comeback in five countries

The number of wild tigers is on the increase in Bhutan, China, India, Nepal and Russia, say conservationists Source:…

How are zoo animals handling the coronavirus shutdown?

How captive animals are coping with the sudden emptiness of the world’s zoos and aquariums Source:…

Tiger survival threatened by mass road-building in precious habitats

Over half the world’s wild tigers now live 5 kilometres from a road, and infrastructure projects planned in Asia could fragment their habitat further Source:…

Keep raising money to save the pandas – it helps other animals too

Some conservationists have criticised fundraising efforts that focus on “flagship” species like pandas or tigers, warning this could harm less well-known species, but that turns out not to be the case Source:…

February birthstone is the amethyst

Are you a February baby? Here’s some cool info about your birthstone, the amethyst. Plus pics! Source:…

Baseball star captures ‘Bigfoot’ on deer cam

Tigers infielder Jordy Mercer has posted up two still images of an alleged Sasquatch on his property. The 33-year-old Major League Baseball veteran re… Source:…