‘League’ of Cybersecurity Professionals Band Together To Help Hospitals

pgmrdlm writes: A growing group of cybersecurity professionals is volunteering their expertise to help hospitals fight off hackers while doctors and nurses fight the coronavirus. Calling themselves the CTI League — Countering Threat Intelligence, and a nod to the superhero team the Justice League — the group has swelled from a handful of professionals to 450 members worldwide in less than…

Microsoft Takes Down 50 Domains Operated by North Korean Hackers

Microsoft announced today that it successfully took down 50 web domains previously used by a North Korean government-backed hacking group. From a report: The OS maker said the 50 domains were used to launch cyberattacks by a group the company has been tracking as Thallium (also known as APT37). Microsoft said the Digital Crimes Unit (DCU) and the Microsoft Threat Intelligence…

Scammers Are Actively Exploiting A Firefox Bug

Long-time Slashdot reader slack_justyb shares this story from Ars Technica:
Scammers are actively exploiting a bug in Firefox that causes the browser to lock up after displaying a message warning the computer is running a pirated version of Windows that has been hacked… The message then advises the person to call a toll-free number in the next five minutes or face having…

At Least 13 Managed Service Providers Were Used To Push Ransomware This Year

A new report published this week by threat intelligence firm Armor puts the number of managed service providers (MSPs) that got hit with ransomware this year at 13, possibly more. From a report: For those unfamiliar with the term, a managed service provider is a company that manages a customer’s IT infrastructure using remote administration tools. MSPs have been around since…

Nasty PHP7 Remote Code Execution Bug Exploited in the Wild on NGINX Servers

nickwinlund77 shares this story from ZDNet: A recently patched security flaw in modern versions of the PHP programming language is being exploited in the wild to take over servers, ZDNet has learned from threat intelligence firm Bad Packets. The vulnerability is a remote code execution (RCE) in PHP 7, the newer branch of PHP, the most common programming language used to…

Microsoft: Iranian Hackers Targeted a 2020 Presidential Campaign

Microsoft disclosed today that Iranian state-sponsored hackers tried to hack into email accounts belonging to current and former US government officials, and members of a 2020 US presidential campaign. From a report: The attacks have taken place “in a 30-day period between August and September,” Tom Burt, Corporate Vice President, Customer Security & Trust at Microsoft, said today. Microsoft’s Threat Intelligence…