AI Company Leaks Over 2.5 Million Medical Records

Secure Thoughts reports that artificial intelligence company Cense AI, which specializes in “SaaS-based intelligent process automation management solutions,” has leaked nearly 2.6 million medical records on the internet. PCMag reports: [O]n July 7 security researcher Jeremiah Fowler discovered two folders of medical records available for anyone to access on the internet. The data was labeled as “staging data.” Fowler believes the…

Ask Slashdot: How Should College Students Approach This Academic Year?

Long-time Slashdot reader goombah99 wonders how college students should approach this next academic year. First, should defer their next academic year? Even universities opening their dorms are still limiting their dining facilities to take-out box lunches and offering most of their classes online. (Though some give students a choice of online or in-person classes). Yet despite the new rules, “Some universities…

Perseid meteors 2020: All you need to know

In 2020, the peak mornings for the Perseid meteor shower – August 11, 12 and 13 – will feature meteors under moonlight. Here’s how to optimize your chances to catching some meteors during this year’s display. Source:…

Mark Zuckerberg Emails Outline Plan To Neutralize Competitors

An anonymous reader shares a report: In late February 2012, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg emailed his chief financial officer, David Ebersman, to float the idea of buying smaller competitors, including Instagram and Path. “These businesses are nascent but the networks established, the brands are already meaningful, and if they grow to a large scale the could be very disruptive to us,”…

Building a Customer-Centric Culture: Meet Van

In this learner story, Van, country head of HR at a company in the pharmaceutical industry, shares her experience as a graduate student in the University of Queensland’s (UQ) Online Master of Leadership in Service Innovation program, a cutting-edge business graduate degree focused on organizational leadership, innovation, and customer experience. How was your experience learning online? I find the program beneficial…

Ask Slashdot: How Long Do You Expect Your Smartphone To Last?

Long-time Slashdot reader shanen is facing “the death of another smartphone from acute battery swelling.” And he wants to know if you’re having the same problem: It seems to me that they’ve become quite good at designing smartphones to last two years and little longer, which is a bit worrisome since my primary phone is entering into its third year. Can…

Is Work Easier For ‘Digital Nomads’?

A digital nomad describes what no one ever warns you about after selling everything and then travelling to Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Thailand “before doing the Working Holiday Visa thing in Australia and New Zealand.” It was the greatest solo travel adventure of my life and I loved it. That said, I’ve had some time to reflect on my experience and…

Sen. Marco Rubio would prefer UFOs to be alien

The Florida senator recently offered up his own thoughts on the presence of anomalous objects in US airspace. Rubio, who is acting chairman of the Sen… Source:…

Project Career Research: how to set yourself up for success in choosing a new career

Launching a new career can be an exhilarating process, but also a complicated one. One of the most important steps is the first one—choosing which career to pursue. Whether you’re a college student getting ready to join the workforce for the first time, a mid-career professional looking to make a career switch, or someone returning […]
The post Project Career Research: how…

This day in 2013: The Day the Earth Smiled

Today is the anniversary of The Day the Earth Smiled, the 3rd-ever image of Earth from the outer solar system, taken by the great Cassini spacecraft on July 19, 2013. Source:…