Biden DOJ Halts Trump Admin Lawsuit Against California Net Neutrality Rules

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: The Biden administration has abandoned a Trump-era lawsuit that sought to block California’s net neutrality law. In a court filing today, the US Department of Justice said it “hereby gives notice of its voluntary dismissal of this case.” Shortly after, the court announced that the case is “dismissed in its entirety” and…

Huawei Finally Launches Brilliant Google Alternative

Since Huawei’s latest smartphones have no access to Google’s Play Store, many crucial apps aren’t available. David Phelan from Forbes reports that TomTom Go Navigation has launched on Huawei’s own “AppGallery” app store, filling the void of navigation apps and making AppGallery a potent alternative to Google’s Play Store. Phelan writes: TomTom […] is an unquestionable big beast in the world…

The Navy is testing beaming solar power in space

Solar power has become a focal point of the battle to mitigate climate change. The potential of solar power is massive—Earth receives as much solar energy in an hour as all of humanity uses in a year. Even with that much energy hitting the Earth, it is only a tiny fraction of the sun’s overall output. Some of that other solar…

Young US Men Having a Lot Less Sex In the 21st Century, Study Shows

Sexual activity among young American men has declined sharply since 2000, with nearly a third reporting no sex with a partner in the prior year, according to a survey study published on Friday that suggests social media and electronic gaming might be filling the void. Reuters reports: The survey found that from 2000 to 2018, nearly one in three U.S. men…

CERN Is Replacing Facebook Workplace With a Set of Open-Source Software Alternatives

CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is moving away from Facebook Workplace to instead make use of more open-source software packages. Phoronix reports: Facebook Workplace is Facebook’s corporate-focused product for internal real-time communication and related communication needs within organizations. CERN had been making use of Facebook Workplace and in addition to data privacy concerns, they were recently confronted with either…

Microsatellites to take never-before-seen look at the young solar wind

Scientists know that a solar wind streams out of the Sun and rushes into the void of space, constantly buffeting Earth and the other planets with gales of charged particles. Source:…