Airline pilot films ‘foo fighter’ UFO over Pakistan

A short clip of a strange orb-shaped object filmed from the cockpit of a passenger jet has recently gone viral. The unidentified object, which was sna… Source:…

America’s Intelligence Agencies Have 180 Days to Reveal ‘Detailed Analyses of UFO Data’

CNN reports: When President Donald Trump signed the $2.3 trillion coronavirus relief and government funding bill into law in December, so began the 180-day countdown for US intelligence agencies to tell Congress what they know about UFOs. No, really. The director of National Intelligence and the secretary of defense have a little less than six months now to provide the congressional…

‘Zodiac Killer’ cipher solved after 51 years

The notorious serial killer, who to this day has never been caught, left several mysterious ciphers. The unidentified individual, who terrorized parts… Source:…

Strange glowing object filmed near Stonehenge

A couple driving near the Wiltshire monument last month spotted something unusual hovering over the area. The unidentified object, which resembled a b… Source:…

Pentagon’s UFO Unit Will Make Some Findings Public

According to The New York Times, a secretive task force called the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force is expected to release new and alarming findings that may involve vehicles made of materials not of this plant. From the report: Despite Pentagon statements that it disbanded a once-covert program to investigate unidentified flying objects, the effort remains underway — renamed and tucked…

UFO over Northern Ireland sparks intrigue

A mysterious object caught on film over Annalong earlier this month has been under investigation The unidentified object, which appeared as a grey sp… Source:…