Rescue plan for nature: How to fix the biodiversity crisis

We’ve been ravaging the planet’s ecosystems for too long, but crucial decisions this year could be the turning point that help us restore our relationship with nature Source:…

G.E. Wind Turbine Prototype: 853 Feet Tall, Can Generate 13 Megawatts

Long-time Slashdot reader fahrbot-bot shares a report from the New York Times: Twirling above a strip of land at the mouth of Rotterdam’s harbor [in the Netherlands] is a wind turbine so large it is difficult to photograph. The turning diameter of its rotor is longer than two American football fields end to end. Later models will be taller than any…

French President Emmanuel Macron Compares 5G Opponents To Amish

neutrino38 writes: “France is the country of the Enlightenment, it is the country of innovation […] We are going to debunk all false ideas. Yes, France is going to take the 5G turning point because it is the turning point of innovation,” Macron insisted in front of a hundred French Tech entrepreneurs gathered at the Elysee. “I hear a lot of…

New Map Tries to Track Progress In Curbing the Spread of COVID-19

Microsoft recently added a COVID-19 tracking map at But they’re not the only ones visualizing data on infection rates… Founded in 2008, BibBase offers a free web service that lets scientists create a page of their publications that can then be embedded into other web sites. Now long-time Slashdot moglito describes BibBase’s newest project:
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