Google Unveils Video Conferencing Hardware For Post-Pandemic Offices

Corporate workplaces around the world are empty due to the coronavirus pandemic, but Google on Tuesday unveiled new devices for when people eventually return to office conference rooms. From a report: The system of gadgets, called Google Meet Series One, includes a camera, soundbar with eight mics and touchscreen remote. Google partnered with the Chinese manufacturer Lenovo for the hardware. The…

What Makes Some Programming Languages the ‘Most Dreaded’?

O’Reilly media’s Vice President of Content Strategy (also the coauthor of Unix Power Tools) recently explored why several popular programming languages wound up on the “most dreaded” list in StackOverflow’s annual developer survey: There’s no surprise that VBA is #1 disliked language. I’ll admit to complete ignorance on Objective C (#2), which I’ve never had any reason to play with. Although…

Covid-19 spreads through the air. That’s a big challenge for reopening

Clear, straightforward information on how a virus spreads, from a scientist who studies infectious disease Source:…

Spies Can Eavesdrop By Watching a Light Bulb’s Vibrations

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Wired: Researchers from Israeli’s Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and the Weizmann Institute of Science today revealed a new technique for long-distance eavesdropping they call “lamphone.” They say it allows anyone with a laptop and less than a thousand dollars of equipment — just a telescope and a $400 electro-optical sensor — to listen…

Solving Online Events

Benedict Evans: I suspect part of the answer to this is actually that a lot of physical events will come back in some form as we emerge from lockdown. But this also makes me think that there will be new tools with much more radically new approaches, and some new behaviours and habits. Hence, it’s often struck me that networking events…

How coronavirus drifts through the air in microscopic droplets

Aerosols are the tiny particles of liquid and material that float around in our environment. When they come from an infected person, they may be a significant source of coronavirus transmission. The science of infectious aerosols. Source:…

Curiosity keeps rolling as team operates Mars rover from home

The NASA Curiosity mission team is keeping the rover moving and working on the surface of Mars while they #stayathome. Find out how they’re managing it. Source:…

If Robots Steal So Many Jobs, Why Aren’t They Saving Us Now?

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Wired: Modern capitalism has never seen anything quite like the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. In a matter of months, the deadly contagious bug has spread around the world, hobbling any economy in its path. […] This economic catastrophe is blowing up the myth of the worker robot and AI takeover. We’ve been led to believe…

The New iPad Pro’s LIDAR Sensor Is An AR Hardware Solution In Search of Software

One of the biggest new additions to Apple’s new iPad Pro is a new “Light Detection and Ranging” (LIDAR) system on the rear camera, which Apple argued was the missing piece for revolutionary augmented reality applications. “It claims that by combining the depth information from the LIDAR scanner with camera data, motion sensors, and computer vision algorithms, the new iPad Pro…