Reddit Finally Bans Hate Speech, Removes 2,000 Racist and Violent Forums

Reddit first launched as an online discussion site in June 2005. Now, 15 years later, it has finally taken action to officially ban hate speech and groups that promote it. From a report: A revised Reddit content policy, announced Monday, explicitly states that groups or users that “incite violence or that promote hate based on identity or vulnerabilityâ are prohibited. âoeEveryone…

YouTube Goes To War With Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency

Google has decided to remove hundreds of bitcoin and cryptocurrency videos from YouTube in what’s being called a “crypto-purge” — leaving many who make bitcoin and cryptocurrency-related videos feeling unfairly targeted by the search giant. A YouTube spokesperson said the video-sharing platform has since reinstated the purged videos, however some content creators claim their deleted videos remain inaccessible. Forbes reports: The…