Twitter’s Misinformation-Fighting Tool ‘Birdwatch’ Makes Mistakes

The Poynter Institute for Media Studies, a non-profit journalism school and research organization, analyzed Twitter’s 1,000-user pilot test of its Birdwatch fact-checking platform. Their conclusion? It makes mistakes. On February 5, Twitter flagged a post from controversial YouTuber Tim Pool that said the 2020 U.S. presidential election was rigged. The platform noted that the claim was disputed and turned off engagement…

Sci-Hub: Scientists, Academics, Teachers & Students Protest Blocking Lawsuit

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Torrent Freak: On December 21, 2020, Elsevier, Wiley, and American Chemical Society, filed a lawsuit hoping to have the court compel Indian ISPs to block both Sci-Hub and Libgen. Accusing the platforms of blatantly infringing their rights on a massive scale, the publishers said that due to the defiant nature of the platforms, ISP…

China Requires Real Names, Bans Spending By Teens In New Curbs On Livestreaming

New submitter SirKveldulv shares a report from Nikkei Asia: Livestreaming platforms now must limit the amount of money a user can give hosts as a tip. Users must register their real names to buy the virtual gifts, in addition to the ban on teens giving such gifts. The [National Radio and Television Administration, China’s media watchdog] also asked the platforms to…

Xbox’s Phil Spencer Hints At Exclusivity Potential For Bethesda Games

In an interview with Kotaku, Xbox boss Phil Spencer said that Microsoft doesn’t need to ship future Bethesda games on PlayStation in order to recoup the $7.5 billion it spent acquiring Bethesda’s parent company, Zenimax Media, last month. Spencer also explained that the deal wasn’t specifically signed to take games away from the platform. Pure Xbox reports: “This deal was not…