US Heat Waves To Skyrocket As Globe Warms, Study Suggests

An anonymous reader quotes a report from USA Today: As the globe warms in the years ahead, days with extreme heat are forecasted to skyrocket across hundreds of U.S. cities, a new study suggests, perhaps even breaking the “heat index.” By 2050, hundreds of U.S. cities could see an entire month each year with heat index temperatures above 100 degrees if…

Learning how to protect astronauts from space radiation

There is little known about the effects of space radiation on the human body. Astronauts cannot see or feel it, yet the high doses they are exposed to outside Earth’s cocoon pose health hazards for trips to the Moon and Mars. To help investigate and find out more, European scientists can now accelerate atoms at close to the speed of light…

Scientists Took an MRI Scan of an Atom

The hospital technology, typically used to identify human ailments, captured perhaps the world’s smallest magnetic resonance image. weiserfireman shares a report: Different microscopy techniques allow scientists to see the nucleotide-by-nucleotide genetic sequences in cells down to the resolution of a couple atoms as seen in an atomic force microscopy image. But scientists at the IBM Almaden Research Center in San Jose,…

Performance-Enhancing Bacteria Has a Symbiotic Relationship With Athletes

Long-time Slashdot reader tomhath shares some big bacteria news from Harvard Medical School:
Researchers from Joslin Diabetes Center determined Veillonella metabolizes lactic acid produced by exercise and converts it into propionate, a short chain fatty acid. The human body then utilizes that propionate to improve exercise capacity… “It creates this positive feedback loop. The host is producing something that this particular microbe…

How many steps a day do you really need? Spoiler: It isn’t 10,000

Forget 10,000 steps a day. Modern sports science and evolutionary biology now tell us how much exercise the human body really needs Source:…