Backdoor In Kids’ Smartwatch Makes It Possible For Someone To Covertly Take Pictures, Record Audio

The Xplora 4 smartwatch, made by Chinese outfit Qihoo 360 Technology Co, and marketed to children under the Xplora brand in the US and Europe, can covertly take photos and record audio when activated by an encrypted SMS message, says Norwegian security firm Mnemonic. The Register reports: This backdoor is not a bug, the finders insist, but a deliberate, hidden feature….

A Jury of Random People Can Do Wonders For Facebook

Jonathan Zittrain, co-founder of Harvard’s Berkman Klein Center, writes about how and why Facebook might take inspiration from the U.S. jury system in reviewing the truth value of political ads. An anonymous reader shares an excerpt from the article: What we need are ways for decisions about content to be made, as they inevitably must be when platforms rank and recommend…