The 8-year cycle and 5 petals of Venus

A word about the 8-year cycle of Venus in our sky and about the “pentagram” of Venus, a highly noticeable rhythm in the motion of Venus as viewed from an Earth-centered perspective. Source:…

Study reveals composition of ‘gel-like’ substance discovered by Chang’e-4 rover on Moon’s far side

The unusual dark greenish and glistening ‘gel-like’ substance in a crater on the far side of the moon has attracted widespread interest following its discovery by the Chang’e-4 rover in July 2019. Source:…

Journey of Venus

A composite image – made of photos acquired over 500 days – showing the waxing and waning of Venus, and the changing size of the planet’s visible disk, as it orbits the sun one step inward from Earth. Source:…

Venus brightest, near star Aldebaran, around July 10

Even though – as seen from Earth – Venus appears only slightly more than 1/4 illuminated on July 10, 2020, it is nonetheless shining at its brightest in our morning sky! Look east before sunup for Venus. The bright star nearby is Aldebaran. Source:…

Venus is waning! Here are some photos

Photos from the EarthSky community of the brightest planet, Venus, now in its final full month in our evening sky, in a crescent phase as it prepares to go between us and the sun on June 3. Source:…

Venus at its brightest in late April

Look west after sunset to behold dazzling Venus, the sky’s brightest planet shining at her brightest best in the evening sky! Source:…

Our home world from afar

Celebrate Earth Day with these 10 images of Earth from space. Source:…

Apollo 13 moon views recreated in 4K

Re-creation of moon views seen by Apollo 13 astronauts 50 years ago, on their perilous journey around the moon’s far side. Source:…

NASA funds proposal to build a telescope on the far side of the moon

This proposed mesh telescope would let us gaze out into the dark cosmos, unhindered by our planet’s atmosphere and radio interferences. Source:

Ripples on Pluto hint at subsurface ocean

A new study of unusual ripples on Pluto’s far side add to the evidence for a subsurface ocean on this distant and cold dwarf planet. Source:…