The surprising benefits of contemplating the death of the universe

Cosmologist Katie Mack spends her days pondering the end of everything. Whether the cosmos dies a slow heat death or winks out of existence tomorrow, she finds it helps put everyday troubles in perspective Source:…

Take a peek inside a giant star right before it dies

The biggest stars in the universe are some of the most fascinatingly complex objects to inhabit the cosmos. Indeed, giant stars have defied full explanation for decades, especially when they’re near the end of their lives. Source:…

How heavy is the universe? Conflicting answers hint at new physics.

Two entirely different ways of “weighing” the cosmos are producing disparate results. The discrepancy could be a sign that physicists will need to revise the standard model of cosmology. Source:

What’s a constellation? What’s an asterism?

Both constellations and asterisms are patterns of stars. What’s the difference? Source:…

4 amazing astronomical discoveries from ancient Greece

The ancients made some jaw-dropping discoveries without modern technology. For example, the size of the moon. Source:…

Where do baby magnetars come from? Mysterious ‘fast radio bursts’ may provide clues.

Magnetars — highly magnetized, rapidly rotating super-dense stars — are among the most enigmatic creatures to inhabit the cosmos and their origins are shrouded in mystery. Source:

What are gravitational waves?

First postulated by Albert Einstein in 1916 but not observed directly until September 2015, gravitational waves are ripples in spacetime. Source:…