Researchers discover the earliest supermassive black hole and quasar in the universe

Nearly every galaxy hosts a monster at its center—a supermassive black hole millions to billions times the size of the Sun. While there’s still much to learn about these objects, many scientists believe they are crucial to the formation and structure of galaxies. What’s more, some of these black holes are particularly active, whipping up stars, dust and gas into glowing…

A new look at the universe’s oldest light

New work agrees with older research suggesting the oldest light in the universe – from the most distant galaxy yet known – started its journey toward us 13.77 billion years ago. Source:…

Astronomers detect possible radio emission from exoplanet

By monitoring the cosmos with a radio telescope array, a Cornell University-led international team of scientists has detected radio bursts emanating from the constellation Boötes. The signal could be the first radio emission collected from a planet beyond our solar system. Source:…

Did the universe’s creator hide a message in the cosmos?

Did the creator of the universe leave a hidden message in the cosmos for intelligent life? If so, scientists have yet to find it. But at least one is still trying. Source:

The Search for Dark Matter Is Dramatically Expanding

Ever since astronomers reached a consensus in the 1980s that most of the mass in the universe is invisible — that “dark matter” must glue galaxies together and gravitationally sculpt the cosmos as a whole — experimentalists have hunted for the nonluminous particles. From a report: They first set out in pursuit of a heavy, sluggish form of dark matter called…

HETDEX project on track to probe dark energy

Three years into its quest to reveal the nature of dark energy, the Hobby-Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment (HETDEX) is on track to complete the largest map of the cosmos ever. The team will create a three-dimensional map of 2.5 million galaxies that will help astronomers understand how and why the expansion of the universe is speeding up over time. Source:…

The ‘Workspace of the future,’ vizLab will unlock the secrets of the universe

In a refurbished Southern California garage, Carnegie astrophysicists are creating the scientific, virtual reality-enabled workspace of the future where they will unlock the mysteries of the cosmos. Source:…

Pluto’s landscape more like Earth’s than previously thought

New analysis of data gathered from New Horizons’ 2015 flyby of Pluto shows evidence of Earth-like snow-capped mountains and the potential for glaciers made of methane ice. Source:…

His Dark Materials review: Season 2 is spine-chillingly excellent

An exceptional cast continues to make His Dark Materials a brilliant show. The introduction of a character who studies the secrets of the cosmos is the cherry on top, says Emily Wilson Source:…