Vaping Is Suspected In Severe Lung Illnesses

U.S. health authorities from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are investigating the cases of 153 people, mostly teenagers and young adults, who developed several lung illnesses after using electronic cigarettes (Warning: source paywalled; alternative source). The Wall Street Journal reports: The cases have occurred in 16 states over the past two months, with many of the injured rushing to…

How Microdosing with Smaller Doses of Cannabis Can Help with Anxiety and Stress

Samoon Ahmad, M.D. – For ages, the cannabis plant has been consumed to alleviate anxiety and stress. Source:…

For Some Legal Weed Businesses, Cryptocurrency Actually Makes Sense

Despite being recreationally legal in 10 states, cannabis businesses have to come up with creative ways to accept payment other than cash. Source:…

Gene Edited Tequila Bacteria Produces THC and CBD Instead of Alcohol

With every new, paradigm-shifting technology there’s bound to be a few hard-to-predict effects. Usually when you think of gene editing, visions of mad scientists and scenes from Gattaca flash through your mind (well, for me at least). There’s at least one use for gene editing that doesn’t lead to a sci-fi dystopia. Or maybe it… Continue reading Gene Edited Tequila Bacteria Produces THC and CBD Instead of Alcohol