New Electric Cars Have Problems In Latest Consumer Reports Survey

schwit1 shares a report from Autoblog, adding: “And CR decides to predict poor reliability on EVs it hasn’t even evaluated yet.” From the report: The latest auto survey from Consumer Reports shows several newer electric cars to be beset with problems, contradicting the conventional wisdom that EVs with their simpler powertrains should have fewer issues than gasoline- or diesel-powered cars. The…

Redditor Alleges His New Tesla’s Roof ‘Fell Off On The Highway’

The source for this story is a post on Reddit, which Jalopnik argues “was corroborated with this remarkable video of Tesla’s new Instant, Unplanned Convertible feature.” I know we’ve covered Tesla’s chronic quality control issues here before, and I realize that among hardcore Tesla-stans this may feel like we’re picking on Tesla unfairly but in our defense, Tesla really does have…

Tesla Model Y Owners Find Cooling System Cobbled Together With Home Depot-Grade Fake Wood

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Drive: According to several owners of the all-new Model Y, Tesla has allegedly assembled their cars using what appears to be faux wood trim from a home improvement store. It all started with a forum post featuring a photo of a Model Y’s frunk plastics removed. The original poster of the thread had…

Tesla Turns a Profit For the Fourth Quarter In a Row, Chooses Austin For Next Gigafactory

Tesla turned a profit of $104 million in the second quarter of 2020. “As a result, Tesla has now been profitable for four straight quarters for the first time in company history — an elusive benchmark the company has long sought,” reports The Verge. The company also announced it will build its newest Gigafactory near Austin, Texas. CNBC reports: The area…