New Paper Confirms Near-Room-Temperature Superconductivity In Wild, Hydrogen-Rich Material

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Gizmodo: A team of physicists has published peer-reviewed results documenting near-room-temperature superconductivity in the hydrogen-rich compound lanthanum hydride. The team, led by physicist Mikhail Eremets from the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, kicked off the most recent race for a high-temperature superconducting hydride in 2015, when they published a paper announcing the discovery of…

Scientists find new periodic water cycle on Mars

A new study shows that Mars has a unique water vapor cycle that occurs only once about every 2 years. The cycle might help explain how Mars lost most of its water. Source:…

The Underground Network of Microbes That Connects Trees Mapped For First Time

For the first time, scientists have mapped the millions of species of fungi and bacteria that swap nutrients between soil and the roots of trees, using a database of more than 28,000 tree species living in more than 70 countries. This interconnected web of organisms throughout the woods is being dubbed the “wood wide web.” Science Magazine reports: Before scientists could…

Scientists develop polariton nano-laser operating at room temperature

A room temperature polariton nano-laser has been demonstrated, along with several related research findings, regarding topics such as polariton physics at the nanoscale and also applications in quantum information systems. The research was published in the journal, Science Advances. …

Lush underwater forests … in the Arctic

Did you know that there are hidden underwater forests of large brown seaweeds (kelps) in the Arctic? As temperatures warm, the forests are expanding. Source:…

Polaris is the North Star

Many people think Polaris is the sky’s brightest star. In fact, Polaris ranks only 50th in brightness. Still, Polaris is famous because the entire northern sky wheels around it. Source:…

New insights about Haumea’s enigmatic ring

Dwarf planet Haumea orbits in Pluto’s realm of the solar system. It’s the most distant little world known to have a ring. Scientists in Brazil have new insights on how Haumea’s ring maintains its nearly perfect circular shape. Source:…

Stunning ISS pass above Rome

The International Space Station passing over Rome’s city lights on April 30, 2019. Source:…