Now Even the FBI is Warning About Your Smart TV’s Security

If you just bought a smart TV on Black Friday or plan to buy one for Cyber Monday tomorrow, the FBI wants you to know a few things. From a report: Smart TVs are like regular television sets but with an internet connection. With the advent and growth of Netflix, Hulu and other streaming services, most saw internet-connected televisions as a…

Russia Bans Sale of Gadgets Without Russian-Made Software

Russia has passed a law banning the sale of certain devices that are not pre-installed with Russian software. The BBC reports: The law will come into force in July 2020 and cover smartphones, computers and smart televisions. Proponents of the legislation say it is aimed at promoting Russian technology and making it easier for people in the country to use the…

Smart TVs, Smart-Home Devices Found To Be Leaking Sensitive User Data, Researchers Find

Smart-home devices, such as televisions and streaming boxes, are collecting reams of data — including sensitive information such as device locations — that is then being sent to third parties like advertisers and major tech companies, researchers said Tuesday. From a report: As the findings show, even as privacy concerns have become a part of the discussion around consumer technology, new…

America’s Elderly Seem More Screen-Obsessed Than the Young

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Economist: Many parents and grandparents will grumble about today’s screen-obsessed youth. Indeed, researchers find that millennials look at their phones more than 150 times a day; half of them check their devices in the middle of the night; a third glance at them immediately after waking up. And yet, when all screens are…

Sony and LG Continue To Struggle To Sell Smartphones

In news that will shock absolutely nobody, LG and Sony continue to struggle when it comes to selling smartphones. An anonymous reader shares a report: Despite posting record second-quarter and first-half revenues and operating profit totaling $559.4 million — largely due to strong home appliance sales — LG’s Mobile Communications division continues to underperform. Sales of $1.38 billion equate to a…

How to Get the Best Sleep of Your Life

Sofia Adamson – If you want to decrease your risk of disease, improving the quality of your sleep should be a top priority. Source:…