RIAA Takedowns Backfire as Pirated MP3s Now Surface on GitHub

Two weeks ago the RIAA asked GitHub to remove the open-source stream-ripper software youtube-dl. This request wasn’t well-received by developers, many of whom retaliated by posting copies of the code. Yesterday, things went from bad to worse when a user with the name ‘FuckTheRIAA’ uploaded three MP3s of the songs the RIAA mentioned in its takedown notice. TorrentFreak reports: A few…

‘youtube-dl’ Downloading Software Removed From GitHub By RIAA Takedown Notice

Jahta writes: The GitHub repository for the popular youtube-dl utility is offline after GitHub received a DMCA takedown notice from the RIAA. The notice claims that “The clear purpose of this source code is to (i) circumvent the technological protection measures used by authorized streaming services such as YouTube, and (ii) reproduce and distribute music videos and sound recordings owned by…

Ticketmaster Preparing Refund Plan For Thousands of Postponed Shows

Ticketmaster is finalizing a plan to begin offering refunds to concertgoers who purchased tickets to an event canceled or indefinitely postponed by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Vulture reports: Starting May 1, per Billboard, ticket-holders will be alerted to their concert or show’s new date, then given 30 days to request a refund. If they don’t seek a refund, their ticket will…

Alibaba’s Singles’ Day Sales Top $38 Billion

After 24 hours of frenzied buying and selling, and weeks of advertising and promotions before it, the Alibaba Group said today its sales hit another record high on Singles’ Day, the biggest shopping day on the planet. From a report: The Chinese e-commerce giant said its 11th Singles’ Day event sold goods worth 268 billion yuan, or $38.3 billion, easily exceeding…

Taylor Swift Reportedly Threatened To Sue Microsoft Over Racist Twitter Bot

When an artificially intelligent chatbot that used Twitter to learn how to talk unsurprisingly turned into a bigot bot, Taylor Swift reportedly threatened legal action because the bot’s name was Tay. Microsoft would probably rather forget the experiment where Twitter trolls took advantage of the chatbot’s programming and taught it to be racist in 2016, but a new book is sharing…