Reporter Tests Walmart’s $140 Laptop ‘So You Wouldn’t Have To’

Ars Technica’s technology reporter Jim Salter tested Walmart’s 11.6-inch EVOO laptop, which sells for $139 and ships with just 2GiB of RAM and a 32GB SSD, which he worries “simply is not enough room for Windows itself, let alone any applications.”
The first thing I noticed while looking through the Windows install is that our “internal” Wi-Fi is actually a cheap USB…

Washington Post: A Top NASA Official Improperly Contacted Boeing

The Washington Post reports:
After a top NASA official improperly contacted a senior Boeing executive about a bid to win a contract potentially worth hundreds of millions of dollars, the company attempted to amend its proposal past the deadline for doing so, according to people with knowledge of the matter. That raised alarm bells inside the space agency, where officials were concerned…

David Heinemeier Hansson Explains What It Takes to Write Great Code

The “bespoke development” site (an IT outsourcing company) interviewed Ruby on Rails creator David Heinemeier Hansson (who is also co-founder and CTO of Basecamp — and a racecar driver) shortly before he spoke at RubyRussia, Evrone’s annual Moscow programming conference. And they asked him an interesting question. As a man who’s seen lots of Ruby code, “what makes code good…

Space Startup Promises 30-Mile-High Balloon Rides to the ‘Edge of Space’

An anonymous reader quotes CBS News:
Researchers, armchair astronauts and even brides and grooms looking for an out-of-this-world wedding experience will be able to celebrate, collect data or simply enjoy the view from an altitude of 100,000 feet in a balloon-borne pressurized cabin, complete with a bar and a restroom, a space startup announced Thursday. “Spaceship Neptune,” operated by a company called…

Help a Mars Rover’s AI Learn to Tell Rocks From Dirt

Slashdot reader shirappu writes: For eight years now, the Mars Rover Curiosity has been exploring the surface of Mars. Even now, it’s still exploring, and still getting upgrades. According to Tech Crunch, NASA is now looking to interested volunteers to help upgrade the rover’s terrain-scanning AI systems by annotating image data of the planet itself. “The problem is that while there…

Volkswagen Seeks Open-Source Approach To Refine Car Operating System

Volkswagen wants to use an open-source approach to refine elements of a software-based car operating system being developed by the carmaker, Christian Senger, its board member responsible for digital services and software, said. From a report: With the advent of autonomous driving, carmakers have been forced to link up radar, camera and ultrasonic sensors and connect them to braking and steering…

Covid-19 spreads through the air. That’s a big challenge for reopening

Clear, straightforward information on how a virus spreads, from a scientist who studies infectious disease Source:…

Are planets with oceans common in the galaxy? It’s likely, NASA scientists find

Several years ago, planetary scientist Lynnae Quick began to wonder whether any of the more than 4,000 known exoplanets, or planets beyond our solar system, might resemble some of the watery moons around Jupiter and Saturn. Though some of these moons don’t have atmospheres and are covered in ice, they are still among the top targets in NASA’s search for life…

England’s ‘World Beating’ System To Track the Virus Is Anything But

Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain unveiled last month a “world beating” operation to track down people who had been exposed to the coronavirus, giving the country a chance to climb out of lockdown without losing sight of where infections were spreading. From a report: As with much of the government’s response to the pandemic, however, the results have fallen short…