Did supernovae blasts prompt humans to walk upright?

A new study suggests a series of supernovae – peaking 2.6 million years ago – might have triggered earthly events that promoted proto-humans’ upright walking. Source: https://earthsky.org/human-world/supernova-humans-to-walk-upright…

Exploding Stars Led To Humans Walking On Two Legs, Radical Study Suggests

dryriver shares a report from The Guardian: It was the evolutionary leap that defined the species: while other apes ambled around on all fours, the ancestors of humans rose up on two legs and, from that lofty position, went on to conquer the world. The benefits of standing tall in the African savannah are broadly nailed down, but what prompted our…

How some planets can survive their stars’ deaths

A new “survival guide for exoplanets” outlines how different kinds of planets fare when their host star dies. It suggests the smallest rocky worlds are the most likely to escape annihilation. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/small-rocky-planets-most-likely-to-survive-star-death…