‘Super Nintendo World’ Amusement Park Previewed By Mario’s 68-Year-Old Creator

“On Friday, Nintendo and Universal Studios Japan took the veil off a years-in-the-making project: the very first Nintendo-themed theme park,” reports Ars Technica (in an article shared by long-time Slashdot reader mprindle): And who better to introduce the world to this life-sized walk through of all things Mario than the character’s creator himself, longtime Nintendo developer and designer Shigeru Miyamoto… Many…

Nintendo is Releasing a 35th Anniversary Super Mario Bros. Game and Watch

Nintendo is going back to the beginning with a modern version of its original Game & Watch handheld that’s been revamped with a full-color LCD. It can play Super Mario Bros. in honor of the franchise’s 35th anniversary. The new handled was announced during a surprise Nintendo Direct showcase. From a report: In addition to Super Mario Bros., the handheld can…

Nintendo is Making 3D Mario Remasters For His 35th Anniversary

The Super Mario series is turning 35 this year, and Nintendo has big plans for the plumber’s birthday. From a report: That includes updating and bringing back most of his games for Nintendo Switch, according to a report from Video Games Chronicle. Eurogamer is backing up that report, and GamesBeat can as well. The core of the report is that Nintendo…

‘Sonic the Hedgehog’ Has Biggest-Ever Opening For a Video Game Adaptation

An anonymous reader quotes The Wrap: “Sonic the Hedgehog” is giving Paramount its best box office news in over a year, with a currently 3-day opening weekend of $55 million to become the best opening weekend ever for a video game adaptation… The delayed release of this film prompted by an intense rejection of Sonic’s initial design is turning out to…