Sex and the Single Succubus: Real Encounters with Man-Hungry Demons

Going back through the centuries and embedded within the folklore of a wide range of regions is the idea of a species of demon in female form, which appear to seduce men and steal their life energy. Most commonly called the succubus, which comes from the Latin word succuba, meaning “paramour,” these demons take on… Continue reading Sex and the Single Succubus: Real Encounters with Man-Hungry Demons

Strange Encounters with the Boogeyman

There is a curious and pervasive phenomenon can be seen across a wide range of cultures worldwide. From one corner of the earth to the other, there seems to have always been a mother telling her child to watch out for what lurks in the night, waiting to prey on those who have been bad… Continue reading Strange Encounters with the Boogeyman

Bizarre Real Encounters with Evil Imps

Throughout European legend and folklore can be found the pervasive presence of the tiny, evil little creatures commonly referred to as imps. The word comes from the Old English noun impa, meaning basically the young shoot of a tree or plant, and they are particularly prevalent in Germanic myths and legends. Although the creatures have… Continue reading Bizarre Real Encounters with Evil Imps