The epic ocean journey that took Stone Age people to Australia

Some 65,000 years ago, early humans washed up on the lost continent of Sahul, which contained Australia. Now clues hint it was no accident but rather the first great maritime expedition Source:…

‘Music Copyright Lawsuits Are Scaring Away New Hits’, Argues Rolling Stone

A new article in Rolling Stone argues that the forgotten 2013 hit song “Blurred Lines”, which a court later ruled infringed on a 1977 song by Marvin Gaye, turned copyright law into “a minefield” — for the music industry. While copyright laws used to protect only lyrics and melodies (a prime example is the Chiffons’ successful suit against George Harrison in…

Voyager scientist: ‘Enceladus may harbor life’

The scientific helm of NASA’s historic Voyager missions has suggested that we revisit Saturn’s icy moon. Professor Ed Stone, who at 83 is still workin… Source:…

Astronomers Discover Huge Gaseous Wave Holding Milky Way’s Newest Stars

Astronomers have discovered a gigantic, undulating wave of dust and gas where newborn stars are forged over a 50 million billion mile stretch of the Milky Way. The Guardian reports: The gaseous structure, which holds more mass than 3 million suns, runs directly behind our solar system as viewed from the heart of the galaxy, but has eluded observation until now….

January’s birthstone is the garnet

Happy birthday January babies!  Your birthstone is the garnet. Source:…

Brookline Votes To Ban Face Surveillance

The town of Brookline, Massachusetts, became the fifth municipality in the nation to ban its government agencies from using face surveillance. The passage of Article 25 comes as a new study from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) found that many of the world’s top facial recognition algorithms are biased along lines of age, race, and ethnicity. The Electronic…