Stonehenge was built with bits of an older Welsh Stone Age monument

A few centuries before the earliest standing stones were placed at Stonehenge, they may have stood in a circle 280 kilometres away in Wales, the remains of which have just been identified Source:…

Stone Age Europeans used human bones to make arrowheads

Barbed bone points that washed up on the shores of Europe were used as arrowheads or spear tips, and some were made of human bones Source:…

The reason we love to gather around the TV lies in Stone Age embers

Watching TV and staring at flickering flames produce similar physiological effects, offering intriguing clues to the enduring power of entertainment – and the origins of sociability Source:…

Stone Age humans chose to voyage to Japanese islands over the horizon

After tracking buoys drifting in the oceans, archaeologists argue that an epic Stone Age voyage from Taiwan to Japanese islands likely occurred deliberately Source:…

Climate change has revealed a huge haul of ancient arrows in Norway

An extraordinary number of arrows dating from the Stone Age to the medieval period have melted out of a single ice patch on a Norwegian mountainside in recent years because of climate change Source:…

Stone Age people in Ireland had dark skin and were lactose-intolerant

Bone fragments from a mountain chamber in Ireland belonged to Stone Age people, and genetic analysis has revealed they had moderately dark skin and couldn’t digest raw milk Source:…

Stone Age people were cremating their dead about 9000 years ago

A 9000-year-old cremation in Israel may help identify when in prehistory people began changing their burial practices and perhaps their religious beliefs too Source:…