Ask Slashdot: Who Are the ‘Steve Wozniaks’ of the 21st Century?

dryriver writes: There are some computer engineers — working in software or hardware, or both — who were true pioneers. Steve Wozniak needs no introduction. Neither do Alan Turing, Ada Lovelace or Charles Babbage. Gordon Moore and Robert Noyce started Intel decades ago. John Carmack of Doom is a legend in realtime 3D graphics coding. Aleksey Pajitnov created Tetris. Akihiro Yokoi…

Steve Wozniak Warns People To Get Off of Facebook Due To Privacy Concerns

TMZ accosted 68-year-old Steve Wozniak at an airport, according to an article shared by Slashdot reader Iwastheone. TMZ asked Wozniak for his thoughts on whether our devices are listening to us — and if we’re trying to have private conversations, should we be worried? “I’m worried about everything,” Wozniak replied. “I don’t think we can stop it, though.” But, everything about…