Trump Signs Orders to Speed Up Oil and Gas Pipeline Construction

The president wants to limit the influence of state governments and the State Department in approving domestic and international pipelines. Source:

The Health Reforms the G.O.P. Should Embrace (but Probably Won’t)

Republicans keep searching for a politically safe silver bullet that slays Obamacare and yet leaves everyone happy. That plan doesn’t exist. Source:

Lens: What if Mexico Still Included California, Nevada and Texas?

Tomas van Houtryve followed Mexico’s long-forgotten northern boundary to meet families who have lived in the region, now forming part of the United States, for centuries. Source:

Lawsuits Lay Bare Sackler Family’s Role in Opioid Crisis

Three generations of the Sackler family were deeply involved in running Purdue Pharma and knew of opioid abuse risks, according to lawsuits. Source: