Watch for Venus and the Pleiades

The brightest planet Venus – and the lovely Pleiades star cluster, aka the Seven Sisters – meet on the sky’s dome only every 8 years. Last time was in 2012. This week is your chance to see them meet again. Source:…

Top tips for binocular stargazing

Whether you’re a beginning stargazer or a veteran of thousands of starry nights, binoculars can be your best friend. Source:…

What is the gegenschein?

The sun’s counterglow – or gegenschein – is kind of a stargazers’ legend. What is it, and how can you see it? Erwin Matys and Karoline Mrazek of Project Nightflight explain. Source:…

Stargazing with computers: What machine learning can teach us about the cosmos

Gazing up at the night sky in a rural area, you’ll probably see the shining moon surrounded by stars. If you’re lucky, you might spot the furthest thing visible with the naked eye—the Andromeda galaxy. It’s the nearest neighbor to our galaxy, the Milky Way. But that’s just the tiniest fraction of what’s out there. When the Department of Energy’s (DOE)…

Star-hop: Pegasus to Andromeda galaxy

The 4 stars of the Great Square of Pegasus are easy to find. Ready? Let’s star-hop! Source:…