Dead animals are washing ashore on a remote Russian peninsula. What’s going on?

Thousands of dead octopuses, starfish and other sea creatures have recently washed up on the shores of the remote Russian peninsula of Kamchatka. Source:

US Tests Ways To Sweep Space Clean of Radiation After Nuclear Attack

sciencehabit quotes a report from Science Magazine: The U.S. military thought it had cleared the decks when, on 9 July 1962, it heaved a 1.4-megaton nuclear bomb some 400 kilometers into space: Orbiting satellites were safely out of range of the blast. But in the months that followed the test, called Starfish Prime, satellites began to wink out one by one,…

Evolution doesn’t proceed in a straight line

If you go by cartoons and T-shirts, you might think evolution proceeds as an orderly march toward a preordained finish line. But evolution has no endpoint in mind. Source:…

The mysterious diseases killing starfish, sea fans and shellfish

Ocean Outbreak unveils the little-known diseases wreaking havoc in the seas and the book does a first-rate job of inspiring readers at the same time Source:…