J.J. Abrams Discusses How General Leia and Carrie Fisher Live on in The Rise of Skywalker

Carrie Fisher’s sudden death in 2016 surprised the entire world, but it hit the Star Wars fandom particularly hard given the actress’ connection to the franchise and the plans for General Leia Organa’s involvement in future films. After initial uncertainty whether Fisher would appear in Episode IX, it was eventually…Read more… Source: https://io9.gizmodo.com/j-j-abrams-discusses-how-general-leia-and-carrie-fishe-1834023350…

Breaking Down the Secrets and Speculation of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker’s Spectacular First Trailer

It’s here: we finally have our first look at Star Wars: Episode IX, or rather, The Rise of Skywalker. It’s a teaser that is, unsurprisingly, full of mystery, one with more questions than it has answers. But that didn’t stop us combing over the footage for what few clues we could find.Read more… Source: https://io9.gizmodo.com/breaking-down-the-secrets-and-speculation-of-star-wars-1834011705…

In the Jawdropping First Trailer For Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, the End of a Saga Begins

The force has awoken. The last of the Jedi has relit the spark for a new generation beyond him. And now it’s time for the Skywalker Saga to come to a close with The Rise of Skywalker, 42 years after we first stepped into the galaxy far far away—and we finally have out first look… Continue reading In the Jawdropping First Trailer For Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, the End of a Saga Begins

io9’s Star Wars Celebration Chicago Liveblog Is Right Here

We’ve finally made the long-awaited journey to that galaxy far, far away, to learn everything we can about the past, present, and future of Star Wars. This year’s Star Wars Celebration in Chicago is now at hand, and we’re expecting to finally learn the title of Episode IX (and maybe even get a trailer!). Watch… Continue reading io9’s Star Wars Celebration Chicago Liveblog Is Right Here

io9’s Star Wars Celebration Chicago Liveblog Is Right Here [Updated]

We’ve finally made the long-awaited journey to that galaxy far, far away, to learn everything we can about the past, present, and future of Star Wars. This year’s Star Wars Celebration in Chicago is now at hand, and we’re expecting to finally learn the title of Episode IX (and maybe even get a trailer!). Watch… Continue reading io9’s Star Wars Celebration Chicago Liveblog Is Right Here [Updated]

J.J. Abrams Talks About the Immense Responsibility of Star Wars: Episode IX

Directing any movie is a big deal, but directing a Star Wars movie is an even bigger deal. So that makes directing what’s being billed as the ninth and final film in the the original Star Wars saga something so gigantic few of us can even fathom it. Read more… Source: https://io9.gizmodo.com/j-j-abrams-talks-about-the-immense-responsibility-of-s-1833924843